115. The pitfalls of the Fiat standard: Marty Bent interviews Saifedean Ammous

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115. The pitfalls of the Fiat standard: Marty Bent interviews Saifedean Ammous
115. The pitfalls of the Fiat standard: Marty Bent interviews Saifedean Ammous
Fiat money does not only affect economic exchanges, its impact on society is much broader. In this episode, Marty Bent, host of the Tales from the Crypt podcast, interviews Saifedean about how fiat currency encourages negative societal impacts ranging from climate alarmism to land degradation to poor diet. They focus on the widely accepted need to shift from fossil fuels to "renewable" energy and how public funding of science encourages the publication of studies that predict disasters and propose state intervention to avoid them. . They also discuss how government statistics are manipulated to minimize the negative impacts of fiat and how people can opt out by adopting a Bitcoin standard.

#Saifedean #bitcoin #MartyBent


Bitmex: https://www.bitmex.com/about-spot?utm_sourcesaifedean&utm_mediumsocial&utm_campaignspot&utm_idspot&utm_termspot&utm_contentv1

Nydig: https://nydig.com/

Coinbits: https://coinbitsapp.com/

Marty Bent Website: https://tftc.io/martys-bent/
Marty Bent on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MartyBent?ref_srctwsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein: https://b-ok.cc/book/2630030/29083e
Two episodes of the Bitcoin Standard podcast with Alex Epstein:
The Bitcoin Standard Podcast Episode Is CO2 the Climate Control Button? with Tom Nelson:
The St. Louis Fed compares the cost and protein content of turkey and soy:
Marty Bent podcast episode with Untapped Growth to discuss regenerative agriculture:
Link to the Saifedean Podcast with Nina Teicholz for a discussion on fiduciary nutrition:
Bitcoin mining board estimates of the Bitcoin network's global energy consumption:

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Saifedean's first book, The Bitcoin Standard:

Saifedean's second book, The Fiat Standard:

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