A tribute to Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest

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A tribute to Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest
A tribute to Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest
A tribute to Lieutenant General Nathan Bedford Forrest by Heritage Not Hate Productions

Forrest's speech at a "Postbearers' Jubilee" meeting is a story that needs to be told. General Forrest was the first white man to be invited by this group which was a precursor to today's civil rights group. A reporter from the Memphis Avalanche newspaper was sent to cover the event which included a Southern barbecue dinner.

Miss Lou Lewis, daughter of a Pole Bearer member, was introduced to Forrest and she presented the former general with a bouquet of flowers as a sign of reconciliation, peace and goodwill. On July 5, 1875, Nathan Bedford Forrest gave this speech:

/"Ladies and Gentlemen, I accept the flowers as a souvenir of reconciliation between the white and colored races of the Southern States. I accept it all the more because it comes from a colored lady, because it there is someone on God's earth who loves ladies, I think it's myself (Huge applause and laughter.) I came here to the jeers of some white people, who think I'm being stupid. evil, I believe that I can exert some influence and do much to help people strengthen brotherly relationships, and I will do everything in my power to uplift every man, not to depress anyone.


I want to raise you up to take positions in law firms, in stores, on farms, and wherever you are able to go. I didn't say anything about politics today. I am not proposing to say anything about politics. You have the right to elect whoever you want; vote for the man you think is best, and I believe that when that is done you and I will be free men. Do what you believe is right and honest by electing men to office. I did not come here to give you a long speech, although you invited me to do so. I'm not much of a public speaker and my business prevented me from preparing. I have come to meet you as friends and to welcome you among the whites. I want you to come closer to us. When I can serve you, I will. We only have one flag, only one country; let's be united. We may differ in color, but not in feeling. Many things have been said about me which are untrue and which both white and black people here, who supported me during the war, can contradict. Go to work, be industrious, live honestly and act truthfully, and when you are oppressed, I will come to your aid. I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for this opportunity you have given me to be with you and to assure you that I am with you in heart and hand./" (Prolonged applause.)

End of speech.

Forrest's speech at a "Postbearers' Jubilee" meeting is a story that needs to be told. General Forrest was the first white man to be invited by this group which was a precursor to today's civil rights group. A reporter from the Memphis Avalanche newspaper was sent to cover the event which included a Southern barbecue dinner.

Miss Lou Lewis, daughter of a Pole Bearer member, was introduced to Forrest and she presented the former general with a bouquet of flowers as a sign of reconciliation, peace and goodwill. On July 5, 1875, Nathan Bedford Forrest gave this speech:

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