AJP Taylor: World War II Origins

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AJP Taylor: World War II Origins
AJP Taylor: World War II Origins
Here's an interview with AJP Taylor who caused serious meltdowns, if not outright meltdowns, with the publication of his book, The Origins of World War II. The book meticulously details the causes of World War II.

It is not surprising that its publication caused such an outcry because there were hundreds of millions of war victims still alive – the maimed, the bereaved, the displaced – and here it seems , an eminent British historian exonerating the The monster that everyone accused of being responsible for six years of unprecedented massacres did not intend to start a world war: that was the message. It was actually just a gigantic bullshit. Taylor was no stranger to controversy.

Today, the facts about Poland written by "court historians" and taught in our schools are completely false. AJP Taylor was one of the first to point this out in his 1961 Magnum Opus, /"The Origins of the Second World War/".

Taylor, presented facts demonstrating that England and France were responsible for the outbreak of World War II and Pat Buchanan in his book /"The Hitler Church and the Pointless War/" expands on Taylor's work.

In short, WWII started in Danzig, which was part of Germany for over 2 centuries and was taken from Germany after WWI and ceded to Poland. More than 90% of the inhabitants of Danzig were German. Hitler proposed that Poland build an RxR and a highway leading to the Baltic Sea. Germany would pay for it, build it, then hand it over to Poland and pay to use it.

However, England, France and the United States pressured Poland to refuse the agreement, claiming that they would defend Poland if Germany attacked.

Negotiations lasted a year, in vain. Eventually, Hitler marched 56 divisions to the border and gave Poland a week to come to terms. This is not the case and the war continues.
The question that may never be answered is why Poland would agree to side with the Allies, knowing full well that there was no way England, France or America could protect them.

What is even more worrying is that the Allies handed Poland over to Stalin after the war.
Here's a link to a preview of Taylor's work on my channel. Our film about Charles Lindbergh and the real plot against America will be released in 2024

/"Born in 1906, he was an outspoken Northerner, in the radical and non-conformist tradition. A brilliant scholar… based in Oxford since 1936, he established himself as the master of 19th and 20th century diplomatic history centuries./"

/"It was partly his deep understanding of realpolitik that made him so iconoclastic. /"

/"His foreword to his "reflections", written for the 1963 edition of Origins of the Second World War, was typically unabashed. The idea that Hitler aimed for total world domination and that this was his bad ambition which had provoked the war, was simply absurd. Powers will be powers, he wrote (his point of view was that great powers behave as they do. Whether they are led by Nazi racial fanatics, Stalinist bureaucrats or parliamentarians like them, what matters are the interests of the great power in question and the opportunities presented by its interactions with other great powers. friends and enemies./"

/"Let's be clear: Taylor was an anti-fascist who hated Hitler and everything he stood for (unlike many in the British establishment before 1939). But he was also a historian committed to the truth, and it seemed obvious to He explained to him that, as monstrous as Hitler's domestic policies were, they were irrelevant to understanding German foreign policy between 1933 and 1939. Hitler, he claimed, acted in the tradition of Bismarck (the creator of modern Germany) and Bethmann-Hollweg (the German chancellor during World War I). Hitler the Führer was a murderous racist; a nationalist. Taylor wrote: In international affairs there was nothing wrong with Hitler except that he was German and that he had the great power of Germany, the only thing that mattered. 'he had not planned the great war that was often attributed to him…/"

/"What then caused the war? If not Hitler's megalomania and a succession of threats, aggressions and annexations, what will happen instead? The war of 1939, Taylor said, far from being welcome, was less desired by almost everyone than almost any other war in history./"

/"Taylor criticizes the incompetence of British and French statesmen. They first supported Czechoslovakia, then told it to surrender. This was precisely Russia's desire for peace – and the British's refusal and the French to propose an alliance that would guarantee its security – which led to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact./"

/"Wars are a lot like road accidents," explains Taylor. "They have both a general cause and specific causes. /"

But according to Taylor, this phenomenon was not due to one man's plan to dominate the world. It was – and still is – a legend maintained by war propaganda./"

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