History of the Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel The Open Book

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History of the Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel The Open Book
History of the Nobel Prize Alfred Nobel The Open Book
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The history of the Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize is one of the most coveted awards that any well-known person in any field of endeavor would love to adorn their abode. Here we return to the origin of this foundation and how it has developed over the years to cover all areas of activity.
Alfred Nobel was a pacifist and an inventor. He had tutors at home and was fluent in many languages in addition to being a highly regarded chemist.
He invented dynamite without thinking that it would change the course of the world and that its effects would still be felt today. In 1888, upon the death of his brother, a French newspaper included an obituary in his name describing him as a “dealer of death”. This had a profound impact on him, and he subsequently wrote a will establishing the Nobel Prize.
Alfred Nobel, bitten by the travel bug, left for Paris and the United States, then returned to Russia to work in his father's factory. He continued to do so until his father could no longer continue the business.
As a chemist, Nobel worked on nitroglycerin and created his first explosion as early as 1862.
Soon he received a patent for his percussion detonator from the Swedish government and called it the Nobel lighter.
He returned to Sweden with his father and established a factory producing nitroglycerin. Producing this was a difficult task and his factory exploded shortly after killing many people, including his brother.
This setback did not deter him and soon other factories were producing the same thing. He also improved it and produced dynamite, an explosive that was safer to handle.
Alfred told Bertha von Suttner, a world peace advocate:
Perhaps my factories will end the war sooner than your congresses. The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in a second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will shrink from war and disband their troops. *
He did not live long enough to know peace, but when his will was opened, people were shocked to find that 94% of his income had been donated to the Nobel Foundation, established to award prizes to famous people. eminent in the fields of physics. chemistry, medicine, literature and peace.
This desire has created a number of problems and opened a hornet's nest. Many questions remained unanswered, and it took five years for the first set of Nobel Prizes to be awarded. An economics prize has been added and all of these prizes are awarded in Sweden, except for the peace prize awarded in Oslo Norway in a separate ceremony.
The Peace Prize is inscribed for peace and the brotherhood of man while the other prizes feature inventions that improve life and beauty through art. No more than three people can share the prize. No awards are given posthumously unless the person dies after the award has been announced.
Malala Yousufzai is the youngest to receive this award and Pierre and Madame Curie have won more awards than the others.
It is worth remembering that a defender of peace, during his lifetime, witnessed conflicts and found it necessary that he be remembered for the right reasons and institute the Nobel Prize. #theopenbook #Education #Educational Videos #Studyiq #learn #Cbse #icse #ssc #generalknowledge

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