The Fall of Napoleon: Invasion of Russia 1812 (full documentary)

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The Fall of Napoleon: Invasion of Russia 1812 (full documentary)
The Fall of Napoleon: Invasion of Russia 1812 (full documentary)
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0:00 Why Napoleon invaded Russia
2:50 p.m. The Great Army of 1812
26:30 Napoleon's first defeat in Russia
38:36 The siege of Riga
49:31 The race to Smolensk
1:00:15 The Battle of Smolensk
1:10:26 The Battle of Lubino
1:20:11 The partisan war begins
1:30:21 The Battle of the Shevardino Redoubt
1:40:11 The Battle of Borodino
1:53:02 Napoleon takes Moscow
2:04:09 Napoleon's campaign collapses
2:26:48 Napoleon's retreat from Moscow


John Ozment, James Darcangelo, Jacob Carter Landt, Thomas Brendan, Kurt Gillies, Scott Deederly, John Belland, Adam Smith, Taylor Allen, Rustem Sharipov, Christoph Wolf, Simen Røste, Marcus Bondura, Ramon Rijkhoek, Theodore Patrick Shannon, Philip Schoffman, Avi Woolf, Emile Bouffard, William Kincade, Daniel L Garza, Stefan Weiss, Matt Barnes, Chris Daley, Marco Kuhnert, Simdoom

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Presented by: Jesse Alexander
Written by: Jesse Alexander
Director: Toni Steller and Florian Wittig
Director of photography: Toni Steller
Sound: above zero
Editing: Toni Steller
Animated design: Toni Steller
Mixing, Mastering & Sound Design:
Digital maps: Canadian Research and Mapping Association (CRMA)
Search by: Jesse Alexander
Fact-checking: Florian Wittig

Chain design: Simon Buckmaster

Contains material licensed from Getty Images
Maps: contributors MapTiler/OpenStreetMap and GEOlayers3
All rights reserved – Real Time History GmbH 2022

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