The Murderbot Diaries: a fan animation

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The Murderbot Diaries: a fan animation
The Murderbot Diaries: a fan animation
In early 2021, as discussions about a Murderbot Diaries adaptation were underway, fans of the series began asking questions such as "What would we like to see from an adaptation of our favorite book series?" " and / "Wouldn't it be cool if this or that scene was animated?" and / "Hey, don't you know some things about animation?" came together to create a Murderbot fan animation?/"

Now, two years of teamwork later, the Murderbot Diaries Fanimation project has completed our labor of love: a fully realized animation adapting scenes from the first four novellas into a trailer, dedicated to showcasing everything that we love in the story of our favorite thug SecUnit.

Check out our profile for links to behind-the-scenes content!

CREDITS (find the contributors on tumblr!)
TheSteelChimera @thesteelchimera7767 – Voice of Murderbot, Production Coordination, Script
Alex de Mars @imaginariumgeographica – Voice of ART
Kebi/SpiralofDragon @SpiralofDragon – Mensah Voice, Character Design
Back – Voice of Ratthi, social media
Kes @kesbeacon1952 – Voice of Gurathin
BrokenRAmodule @broken-risk-assessment-module @contakaidigon – Production coordination, backgrounds, animation, script, storyboard, character design, editing, 3D, sounds and music
theash0 @theash0 – Production coordination, animation, editing, 3D, graphics and effects
Cephei – Backgrounds
ChimaeraKitten @chimaerakitten – Backgrounds, Graphics and Effects
Jude – Backgrounds
Livyatan @groovyleviathan – Backgrounds, Character Design
Read – Backgrounds, Animation
Nirelaz @nirelaz – Backgrounds, animation, lighting, sounds and music
sometimesihaveideas @sometimesihaveideas – Backgrounds, 3D, Sounds and Music
TechnicalToad – Backgrounds
Vanessa – Wallpapers, 3D
Alex van Gore @alex-van-gore @BlackAnimeSoul – Animation, Storyboard, Lighting, Sounds and Music
audzilla – Animation, lighting, graphics and effects
Mar @souldagger @marsouldagger – Character Design

Music (YouTube Free Library)
0:01 – A Fever by Devon Church
0:53 – Outcast by Myuu
1:48 – Annihilate by Jeremy Blake
2:11 – Walking in the Sky by Nico Staf
Sound effects
0:00 – 385943__inspectorj__ambience-machine-factory-a by InspectorJ
0:00 – deep_rumble __Airplane in flight by –
12:00 a.m., 12:40 a.m. – Ambient noise in the conference room
0:21 – 366603__jittels__wood grinding by jittels
0:32, 1:22, 2:02 – Big distant explosion by –
0:34 – 263472__aetherspire__monster-roar2 by Aetherspire
0:42, 0:44 – 427848__inspectorj__glitching-vinyl-record-player-a by InspectorJ
0:42 – 369673__filmsndfx__recording scratches by filmsndfx
1:15 – 459648__blaukreuz__slide_small_2 by blaukreuz
1:40 – 194364__dave-welsh__thunder-clap-owb-ky-441×16 by Dave Welsh
1:53 – Swoosh by –
1:58 – 182229__martian__ghost-gun-cock by martian
2:02 – 109957__rakurka__incoming-ricochets-2 by rakurka
2:01 – 419591__michalwa2003__laser-of-doom by michalwa2003
2:01 – 145206__lensflare8642__m16-gun-3-round-burst by lensflare8642
2:01 – 454683__suburbanwizard__warp-speed by DylanTheFish
2:03 – 371041__morganpurkis__single-gunshot-3 by morganpurkis
2:04 – 188447__dheming__metal-punch-01 by dheming
3:04 – 510082__audiopapkin__impact-sfx-010 by AudioPapkin
2:11 – 661416__hemogobblin__lens-zoom by hemogobblin
2:12 – 260124__splicesound__indoor-adult-murmur-couple by SpliceSound
2:17, 2:25 – 178673__vedas__combat-combat-men by vedas
2:17 – hit by theash0 (original sound)
2:25 – slide by theash0 (original sound)

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