The Origin of Dinosaurs: How the History of Dinosaurs REALLY Happened Historical Documentary

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The Origin of Dinosaurs: How the History of Dinosaurs REALLY Happened Historical Documentary
The Origin of Dinosaurs: How the History of Dinosaurs REALLY Happened Historical Documentary
If we go back in history to the arrival of the very first dinosaurs, we should find ourselves in the Triassic period around 250 million years ago. It was at this time, after an unprecedented biological crisis, that the dinosaurs arrived on Earth.

Our planet has experienced several mass extinctions, including the one that ended the existence of non-avian dinosaurs some 165 million years later. The latter is undoubtedly the most appreciated by the general public. But what is less known is that it was neither the only nor the most important.

The extinction which marks the end of the Permian and the beginning of the Triassic, which we will examine, is unlike any other. It was the most devastating extinction of all.

This mass extinction occurred approximately 252 million years ago. As we have seen, it marks the border between the geological periods of the Permian and the Triassic, and therefore between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras.

And the era of dinosaurs is the Mesozoic era. This era is itself made up of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous respectively.

As a reminder, the videos are published on SUNDAY at 6 p.m.


World of Dinosaurs:
– Here we are in the land of dinosaurs. This is Pangea. A vast ocean, called Panthalassa, surrounds this landmass, forming a single continent.

Contrary to popular belief, Pangea does not have a single climate. The land of the dinosaurs was neither a vast swamp as far as the eye could see, nor an almost tropical jungle. The climate was not the same on one side or the other of the continent.

In the center of Pangea, including present-day Europe, the Americas and Africa, the climate was predominantly desert. On the other hand, what is now India, Siberia and even Antarctica benefit from a temperate climate.

The Earth is far from what we know today. It's like someone mixed up all the pieces of the puzzle. Nothing seems to fit. And yet, for tens of millions of years, this was the configuration of the Earth. This unique land was also the birthplace of dinosaurs. These animals have experienced a variety of climates, geological periods and adapted to different environments, from deserts to mountains to jungles.

About 230 million years ago, the first members of the dinosaur group began to appear. Depending on the geographic area, environment and climate, animals diversify to adapt. If you remember our little introduction, we mentioned nearly 1,200 species. And these are just the species known to man. So you can imagine the diversity that reigned in this large family.

When we think of dinosaurs, we immediately think of large animals.

But the first dinosaur specimens are far from the usual cliché of giant dinosaurs.

The oldest confirmed dinosaurs, which lived 230 million years ago, were the saurischians. First, there is Saturnalia, a dinosaur whose classification was long debated until 2007, because it includes features of both sauropodomorphs and theropods. It is about 1 to 2 meters long and probably no longer than an adult's knees.

At the same time, there was also the Staurikosaurus. This ancestor of sauropods and theropods was discovered in South America. It is difficult to describe it with much precision, because we come up against our scientific limits here.


Today's program:
– 00:00 – Presentation
– 04:10 – When it all started…
– 12:45 – The big family of dinosaurs, who are they really?
– 14:49 – Are dinosaurs really gigantic animals?
– 22:04 – The ancestors of the dinosaurs
– 27:20 – Saurischians, dinosaurs with lizard pelvis
– 31:56 – Ornithischians, the dinosaurs of bird baths
– 36:00 – Are marine reptiles dinosaurs?
– 42:35 – Pterosaurs and dinosaurs
– 49:47 – Dinosaurs: cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
– 55:15 – Do dinosaurs lay eggs?
– 01:00:25 – The life of dinosaurs: between ferocious predators and good parents…
– 01:02:00 – How did dinosaurs take care of their offspring?
– 01:06:15 – How intelligent were dinosaurs?
– 01:13:35 – Dinosaurs, bloodthirsty beasts or social animals?
– 01:15:35 – Where did dinosaurs live and how did they adapt to their environment?
– 01:16:10 – Dinosaurs live in tropical swamps
– 01:21:14 – Reign and decline

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