The Second Doctor Adventures: Beyond War Games – Trailer – Big Finish

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The Second Doctor Adventures: Beyond War Games - Trailer - Big Finish
The Second Doctor Adventures: Beyond War Games – Trailer – Big Finish
All content belongs to Big Finish and the BBC.

Price: 19.99 (CD) 16.99 (Download)

Release: July 2022


Before Earth, before UNIT, before exile, the Second Doctor makes a dangerous deal in exchange for his freedom…

1. The Final Beginning of Mark Wright and Nicholas Briggs (4 parts)

Believing he has escaped exile – and a change in appearance – by the Time Lords, the Doctor finds himself lost on a snowy alien world. He's not alone: prospectors Catrona and Silas are stranded on this nightmarish planet, but without his TARDIS, the Doctor is powerless to help them.

In search of answers – and freedom – the Doctor's hopes and suspicions are aroused when a crashed TARDIS is discovered in the snow. Are Catrona and Silas as innocent as they seem? And who is Raven, the young woman who watches from afar?

Long-buried secrets are about to be revealed in this frozen wasteland, and the Doctor discovers that every ending has a terrifying new beginning…

2. Wrath of the Ice Warriors by Andrew Smith (4 parts)

Thrust into the middle of a desperate mission by his new masters, the Doctor is delighted to reunite with UNIT Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart near Cape Wrath, Scotland. The Doctor's arrival coincides with the sighting of black cylinders in the sky and the attack of a trawler by a "sea creature".

The Doctor quickly realizes that he is dealing with Ice Warriors and investigates with the help of the Brigadier and local farmer Sheena Flynn. While a space fleet hides near Jupiter, the Doctor suspects that the Martians are preparing a new invasion of Earth. But who is the real enemy?

The battle lines are drawn and the Doctor races against time to prevent Earth from being caught in the crossfire.


Michael Troughton (The Doctor)
Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks)
Jon Culshaw (Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart)
Mark Elstob (Skaar / Tam Walsh / Dougie)
Lucy Goldie (Sheena Flynn)
Katy Manning (Lady Zelanda)
Anna-Maria Nabirye (Catrona)
Emma Noakes (Raven)
Tim Treloar (Silas)

Production credits

Cover artist (Claudia Gironi)
Director (Nicholas Briggs)
Executive producers (Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs)
Music (Benji Clifford and Toby Hrycek-Robinson)
Producer (Mark Wright)
Script editors (Mark Wright and Nicholas Briggs)
Sound designers (Steve Foxon and Toby Hrycek-Robinson)
Writers (Mark Wright, Nicholas Briggs and Andrew Smith)
Lead Producer (David Richardson)

In the wings

Duration: 233 minutes.

Recorded on: February 21, March 21 and 23, 2022.

Recorded at: Audio Sorcery and The Soundhouse.

Product format: 3-disc CD (case in slipcover)

Number of discs: 3.

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