Thoughts on the Freewrite Smart Typewriter (Do I like it?)

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Thoughts on the Freewrite Smart Typewriter (Do I like it?)
Thoughts on the Freewrite Smart Typewriter (Do I like it?)
I've had my Freewrite smart typewriter for a few months and wanted to share some thoughts on how it works for me.

Why did I choose free writing?

I work with authors to keep their world/story/characters consistent. I look at the details and the big picture for conflicting information. I use a typewriter/pen and paper and it's just not efficient for the modern author. The Freewrite device is a compromise between the medium I love and work best with, and the digital age.

How did I use Freewrite?

I use the document feature (in a folder) to keep track of each character and main event in the timeline of the story I'm currently working on. The timeline consists of thousands of years and a multitude of characters. This is exactly what I needed to keep everything straight. (I'll probably need an event and character chart at some point, but for now, it's great.) I also use it to work on character dialogue. Find the way to talk about different characters and others. I haven't connected the Freewrite to Wi-Fi yet. I haven't uploaded any content yet, but I will in the future.

Do I like Freewrite?

I LOVE Freewrite! The afternoon I got it, I started typing and solved about 30% of the worldbuilding issues that had been plaguing me for the past month. I get so much done when I take the time to sit down and write with this device. My ideas flow more easily. It's a similar experience to using a typewriter, mentally and physically. It's so portable. I drag it everywhere! I probably need to catalog all the different spots I use it! The battery lasts about a week of daily use for me. I usually charge every three days or so just to keep the battery full, but I feel comfortable letting it last longer. I love the e-ink screen! It's so much nicer to my eyes than a laptop screen. I can also use it in direct sunlight without problem, which is a real plus when you take it everywhere!

Is the Freewrite worth the price?

The product itself is exactly what it claims to be. This is a smart, distraction-free typewriter. It's about getting what you have in mind in a digital format to edit when you're ready for the editing process. The technology is there, and the product seems pretty solid. I would buy again for my uses! I would definitely choose this over a laptop as a writer. That doesn't mean you might not need a computer at some point, depending on your process. But for writing, it’s a win-win for me.

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I have a referral code if you are interested in Freewrite! Feel free to use it. This keeps the Freewrite content coming. Thank you so much!

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